Google Adwords Smart Positioning Beta

October 16, 2008

Today I noticed a new option in one of our clients Adwords accounts, Smart Positioning Beta.

Google describes Smart Positioning as:

Smart Positioning (beta) is a bidding feature based on an auction model that differs from the regular AdWords auction model. Here are a few benefits of using Smart Positioning:

* It’s designed to get you more clicks for the same total cost.
* It aims to place your ad in the most cost-effective position each time it’s displayed on Google and the search network. (Learn how Smart Positioning works on the content network.)
* It can reduce the frequency with which you need to adjust your bids.

Here is a screen shot of the changes Smart Positioning is suggesting in this particular account:


Estimated Changes

Cost: No Change
Clicks: +17
Avg CPC: -.10
Max CPC Bids: +34.5%

The increase in Max CPC concerns me a little but as Google says:

Your average CPC for this campaign is unlikely to increase because Smart Positioning uses a larger discount than manual bidding alone. Your actual costs are likely to be much lower than your bids

Ok I’ll bite, let’s give it a try for a week and see if it really makes a difference. I’ll keep you updated.

If you need assistance with your Google Adwords campaigns, contact Sales & Marketing Technologies today. Our skilled team of Internet marketers can help create a strategy that will work the best for your business depending on the days and times your business will see the most success, as well as finding the keywords that are the best to target.

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