Why Technical SEO is More Important Than Ever

June 12, 2018

If you’re familiar with the term search engine optimization (SEO), you may know about how titles, meta descriptions and alt tags are a crucial part in getting you more traffic from search engines such as Google.

But what you might not know about SEO is that there is another, more technical side that can affect your website.

While search engines are getting better at crawling, indexing and understanding information, they’re not perfect. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter how much good content you have on your website if no one can find it or see it.

That’s why having a strong, technical SEO foundation is so important.

What Does Good Technical SEO Look Like?

There are three main elements of technical SEO that should be taken into consideration…

  • Performance

  • Crawlability

  • Indexation


Possibly the most important performance factor of a website is if it’s usable.

Responsive Design

If your website doesn’t have responsive design, it’s essentially unusable by customers searching on their mobile device.

Responsive design makes the user experience (UX) better on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile devices; which all have various screen sizes.

Site Speed

Your website pages should ideally be loading in under 2 seconds.

If people land on your site and have to wait for it to load, they’re more likely to go back to the search results instead of wait it out. This not only loses you a potential customer but can also harm your SEO efforts by increasing your bounce rate.

There are also other page speed metrics worth tracking and optimizing for, such as:

  • First Byte
  • First Paint
  • First Meaningful Paint
  • First Interactive
  • DOM Content Load
  • Page Load
  • Interactive

Proper Coding

Many sites have unnecessary, long-forgotten code that continues to exist.

With the help of Chrome Developer Tools, you can review and then remove, any unused CSS and JavaScript code.

Crawlability & Indexation

Gary Illyes, in a Google Webmaster Central Blog post, says there are various factors that can negatively affect crawl budget (the time, money, and resources that Google is willing to spend on your site). However, they are mainly due to “having many low-value-add URLs.”

That can include things such as:

  • Low quality and spam content

  • Hacked pages

  • Soft error pages

  • On-site duplicate content

  • Infinite spaces (i.e., events calendars that go on years and years into the future)

Regularly monitoring the Index Coverage report and Crawl Stats in the Google Search Console can help you to easily spot and resolve issues that affect your website’s crawlability and indexation.

How to Optimize Your Technical SEO

In order to optimize your technical SEO, SEO professionals, developers, and designers all need to be on the same page. 

  • SEO pros should know how to speak developer, understand the inner workings of a site, and learn about your website’s code.

  • Developers should learn how to speak SEO and figure out how their code affects profitability.

  • Designers should understand UX. It doesn’t matter how beautiful a design is without usability. 

Not all SEO companies have the expertise and knowledge to optimize your technical SEO. That’s why hiring an in-house team that consists of developers, designers and SEO professionals will give you the best results.

If you’re interested in learning more about the ways your website could be better optimized, call Sales & Marketing Technologies today at (407) 682-2222 for a free strategy session.

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