Tips & Trends

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The State of Email Marketing and Trends to Expect in 2024

As 2023 comes to a close, the digital marketing landscape has witnessed significant shifts, with email marketing standing out as a particularly dynamic arena. In this article, we'll delve into the insights gathered from Litmus' 2023 State of Email Design Report, covering key trends and revelations around email workflows, design, and the pivotal role of Email Service Providers ESPs. Email Workflows Litmus' survey of approximately 440 email marketing professionals sheds light on the...

Proven Strategies to Increase Social Media Reach and Engagement

In the fast-paced world of social media marketing, businesses are always trying to figure out how to increase reach and engagement. Creating a dynamic and effective social media plan that accomplishes these goals requires research and careful consideration. Here are proven strategies that can accelerate your social media reach and grow an engaged following! Define Your Target Audience It's crucial to first identify and understand your target audience. In addition to basic demographics, delve...

Year-End Marketing Review: Setting the Stage for a Successful New Year

As we bid farewell to another year, now is the perfect time to reflect on the marketing triumphs and lessons learned over the past twelve months. In July, we shared mid-year marketing review tips to help you navigate the marketing landscape. Let's wrap up the year by exploring the essential components of a year-end marketing review to help set the stage for a successful new year. Celebrate Your Wins First and foremost, take a moment to celebrate your successes. Whether it's achieving...

How Much Should I Budget for Marketing?

How much a marketing budget should be is always a tough question to answer. It depends on what you're trying to accomplish and by when. Setting a firm objective helps provide clarity on the budget you need, for example, generating 500 leads per quarter or increasing organic traffic by 20% from the previous year. Determining how much and where to spend your marketing budget is crucial to achieving your objectives. As your business gears up for 2024, it's essential to approach budgeting with a...

Why Your Organic Traffic is Down and Strategies to Fix It

In today's digitally-driven world, web traffic is the lifeblood of any successful online business or website. The more visitors you have, the more opportunities you have to convert them into customers or subscribers. While paid advertising can be an effective and fast way to drive traffic, organic web traffic is the holy grail of digital marketing because users are coming to your website naturally. Organic traffic is crucial to any online business as it can generate leads, increase brand...

Effective B2B Email List Building Strategies

Email list building is an effective digital marketing tool for driving traffic to your B2B website and increasing conversions, such as purchases, demos, quote requests, and more. It can also help your business retain more customers, which saves money while boosting revenue. According to HubSpot, not only is retaining customers less expensive than acquiring new ones, but improving retention by just 5% can increase profits by over 25%. With a quality email list, B2B businesses can grow their...

Using Psychology to Make Content Marketing More Effective

Your content needs more than compelling copy and visuals to be effective — it should speak to your audience on a deeper level. That’s where using psychology can help. In this article, we’ll explain influential psychology theories you can use to enhance your content's reach and impact. Scarcity/FOMO The scarcity principle suggests that people value things more when perceived as scarce. When people worry that they'll be unable to have or do something because of limited quantity...

Outside-the-Box Tips to Optimize Your Holiday Digital Marketing

As the holidays get closer, businesses are busy preparing for the festive rush and trying to make the most of their digital marketing efforts. Standing out in the sea of promotions and ads is a challenge, but with some creativity and planning, your business can achieve merry sales numbers. Here are some outside-the-box tips to optimize your holiday digital marketing and make your brand sparkle during this celebratory season: 1. Interactive Festive Experiences Create interactive and immersive...

The Secrets of Successful Brand Storytelling

Crafting a compelling brand story is essential for establishing a deeper connection with your audience. However, brand storytelling goes beyond mere product promotion — it evokes emotions, builds trust, resonates with your customers, and ultimately drives sales. According to Search Engine Watch, storytelling can increase conversion rates by 30%, making it a powerful marketing tool. But what does it take to achieve successful brand storytelling? Let's dive in and find out! Understand...

Writing Great PPC Ad Copy That Drives Clicks

Pay-per-click PPC advertising is a powerful digital marketing strategy for driving leads and customers to your business fast, but a big chunk of its success depends on the quality of your ads. To attract as many clicks as possible, you need great ad copy. Follow these copywriting tips to get more clicks and conversions! Know Your Target Audience First, it's vital to understand your audience by stepping into their shoes. Think about the problem they’re facing and the solution...


Web Design (26)
Web Development (35)
Misc. Website (21)
Search Engine Optimization (96)
Social Media Marketing (111)
Local Search Marketing (24)
Content Marketing (35)
PPC Advertising (32)
Digital Marketing (123)
Marketing Automation (26)
Sales Automation (21)
Company News (10)
Other (27)



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