5 Ideas to Upgrade Your About Page

about page graphic

March 15, 2022

If there’s something you may be overlooking on your website, it’s probably your “About Us” page. When you’re running a business, it's easy to focus more on your customers rather than yourself. However, many potential customers could be going to your company's about page to get a better understanding of who you are.
Is that page helping you put your best foot forward currently? Here are some ideas to upgrade your about page so that appeals to your target audience, driving more leads and sales.

Make It Easy to Find

Be sure you aren’t frustrating your clientele by making your about page impossible to find on your website. Keeping it somewhere accessible and visible is key, so try placing it in a navigation bar at the top of your page. Plus, naming your page something simple and common, such as About Us, will be advantageous for SEO purposes.

Focus on the Essentials

Simplicity isn’t overrated, trust us. An About Us that's too lengthy and embellished could be off-putting. Write about the most important parts of your story to give a clear idea of who you are and what you’re about. It’s also a great idea to place the most important points at the beginning of your page.

Get Creative with Media

Are you a more visual company? Does a typical About Us story not work for your brand? Try getting creative with the types of media you use for telling your story, like a video or slideshow. This is a unique approach to showcase your business in a way that’s authentic to you. (Plus, visual content can often be more dynamic and easy to digest.)

Update the Content

Another thing to keep in mind about your page is whether it’s current. Updating your About Us page can be as simple as adding in key dates or having it reflect some company-wide changes, such as a redesign. Make sure that the content is fresh and in-tune with where you are now.

Tell Your Story

Speaking in your brand’s tone of voice is not only a wonderful way to demonstrate your style, but it also helps with consistency across your site. If your About Us page is more cut and dry while the rest of your site is full of wit and whimsy, that’s sending mixed signals to your audience about who you really are. Don’t give them the wrong idea, and find a balance in your way of speaking.

Enhance Brand Perceptions to Grow

Many companies and brands use their about page as a chance to shine and really make their mark on their specific niche. There are some fantastic ways to liven up your own About Us, so do so in a way that’s true to your brand and tells your story in a compelling way. The goal is to draw people, so give them a worthwhile reason to stay on the page.
If you’re ready to grow your leads and sales with a rock-solid marketing system, schedule a free consultation with Sales and Marketing Technologies today!

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