Content Marketing

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6 Content Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Content marketing can help you reach new audiences, engage your current audience, and generate leads or conversions. However, breaking through the digital noise is getting increasingly harder as more and more content is being produced. By avoiding these six common mistakes, your content marketing strategy will perform better thereby increasing your return on investment ROI. 1. Too focused on quantity. Instead of churning out content non-stop, take the time to develop thoughtful, well-rounded...

5 Ways to Simplify Your Complex Content

The goal is simple: sell more of your products or services. However, sometimes your product or service isn’t exactly the easiest thing to explain. If you have a complicated subject matter to cover, it can be tricky to find the ideal balance of explaining things in the simplest terms and not bore readers right off your website. So how do you make complex content or boring subjects easy to understand and exciting for your target audience? 1. Avoid Jargon/Complex Words Might...

How Combining Content Can Help Your Website’s Search Ranking

In a recent Webmaster Hangout, Google’s Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst, John Mueller answered questions about when combining pages makes sense and when it doesn’t make sense, as well as some reasons why you should or shouldn’t do it. The basic breakdown from Mueller was this: Yes, merging weaker pages into a single page may result in a strong and more relevant web page in the eyes of Google. However, there are still certain rules to be followed, such as those pages must be...

How to Create Evergreen Content for Your Website

Content marketing is an essential piece of the digital marketing puzzle. Without it, search engines like Google have a harder time deciphering what your business does and how it should be ranked or displayed. Additionally, your customers may leave feeling unfulfilled in their quest for information about you or your products / services. Not all content is equal, however. Evergreen content provides your website with long-lasting results traffic, leads, social shares that don’t depend on...

How Quizzes Can Boost Your Traffic and Leads

You may have noticed a trend in your Facebook feed lately. Quizzes. Major companies have started to utilize this trend to engage with their audience and add a retargeting pixel if they’re smart. Everyone from viral Internet video company, BuzzFeed, to brands such as Disney and Airbnb has started utilizing this type of content in their marketing strategies. Quizzes are more than just fun, little games to play. They’ve become one of the most shared posts across social media - some...

Why You Should (Still) Be Blogging in 2018

Every year for the past 4 years, Orbit Media Studios surveys 1000+ business bloggers and publishes a research report on blogging statistics and trends. While there are some subtle changes throughout the years, one thing is clear - "Bloggers are reporting stronger results from content marketing," says Orbit Media’s co-founder, Andy Crestodina. In fact, almost 30% of respondents reported ‘strong results’ as the effectiveness of their blogging strategy. Many businesses had seen...

5 Types of Content That Can Grow Your Company

High-quality, relevant content truly is the key to success for reaching new audiences, engaging your current audience, and creating new business opportunities. But where do you start if you’ve never created content for your company before? What types of content can really help you move the needle? Here are five types of content that will give you maximum impact and return on investment for your business: 1. Dedicated Pages Your website is not only your portfolio and information...

5 Reasons Why Content Is So Important

Updated 11/6/17 Most business owners understand the importance of their website design, their branded social media pages, and even the idea of search engine optimization, but when it comes to content marketing or blogging, they can’t seem to pinpoint why it’s so important. In this article, we’ll hit on the top five reasons you should be creating content for your business. Whether that is through adding content to your existing web pages or starting up a news...

Is Email Marketing Dead?

Far from it! Email marketing is alive and well. Here are some stats from MailChimp just one email service provider for 2015. In 2015, MailChimp handled 62,310,854 email campaigns. They sent 204,383,657,109 emails. Of those, 42,164,247,301 were opened and 3,527,638,012 resulted in clicks. 3.5 billion clicks doesn’t sound dead to me. Here are a couple tips to make sure that you are doing your emails correctly: Be Mobile-Friendly More and more, email is being read on mobile devices. You...

Historical Blog Optimization: Reviving Your Blog

Blogging has been an integral part of some businesses like ours for many years now. But with the purpose of blogging and Google algorithms changing over that time, it leaves your blog looking very bleak and not bringing you much new traffic or leads. That’s why at Sales & Marketing Technologies, we have started implementing historical optimization by updating old blog content to meet the current standards. What is Historical Blog Optimization? In its simplest form, historical blog...

What Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Content Marketing

Healthcare marketing success isn’t something that happens overnight, but it is becoming easier than ever to reach your audience online. According to Pew Research, about 72 percent of Internet users search for health information within the past year; making healthcare the second most-searched service online. With so many people searching for expert healthcare information, having a platform to share high-quality, valuable information will keep patients coming back to your website more and...

10 Reasons Your Company Should Blog More

There is a clear knowing / doing gap when it comes to blogging. Companies know they should be blogging, but they are not doing it. The gap of people actually blogging and those who know they should continues to expand. As we work with clients, we educate them on the value of blogging. We have found companies are more likely to blog if they can see a correlation between posting blogs and increasing revenue. So we've compiled a list of the 10 beneficial reasons your company should blog more...

Want to Drive Traffic to Your Site? Consider Using These Blog Topics.

In October, we told you about the Hummingbird update from Google. While it has not had a large effect on SEO, it does provide an opportunity to help your website’s rankings via blogging. Sometimes, though, you don’t know where to start. What do people want to read in blogs? Here are some topics to get you started on having a relevant and useful blog for your website: 1. Answer Questions. The Hummingbird update focuses largely on how people are asking Google questions. They are...

Writing Engaging Web Content

One of the most important parts of getting customers to your website is providing relevant and engaging web content. This might seem like a daunting task to some, but writing web content is fairly easy, as long as you remember some simple points. It is important to understand your audience before you start writing web content. Your audience is two-fold: you are writing for both your real audience and for search engines. This means that you need to not only include key words to help with your...

Why Should You Use Content Marketing?

More and more, Google is concentrating on content as a factor in how high your website will be ranked. Now, it is more important to focus on the quality of content over quantity – that is, it is better to have a few high-quality pages with relevant information for your users than many low-quality pages. Blogging also remains an important way to increase rankings, as it allows you to post fresh, quality content on a regular basis. How do you write new and improved content? First, you want...

Top 5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging

Updated: Feb. 2015 Blogging, or content writing in general, has become an essential part of your business' search engine optimization efforts. Not only does it bring fresh, quality content to your website, but it also allows search engines to better understand what your business is about. Here are five reasons why your business should be blogging right now: #5 – Control What is Said About Your Business Blogging allows your business the chance to inform customers, both existing and...

Business Benefits of Blogging

Updated: Feb. 2015 Often times, to a business, a blog may have an undeserved negative connotation. By now, most of us are aware that it is no longer exclusively for teens to hobnob about their weekend events. Blogging has become a powerful Digital marketing and business tool, when used properly. How to Start Blogging Perhaps a blog on your site still makes you a little squeamish. Do you prefer a newsletter, events page, industry articles section, or a press release section? Well, in all...


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Misc. Website (21)
Search Engine Optimization (97)
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Content Marketing (37)
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