Tips & Trends

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Sales Automation Tips for Successful Trade Shows

Trade shows are an effective promotional tactic to gain more quality leads and generate new business, especially when sales automation is used. B2B brands, in particular, can benefit from trade show marketing as it allows them to have valuable face-to-face time with prospects to explain their products and services in a more personal manner which they don’t often get to do. Trade show costs, however, like the booth rental, travel costs, and displays can quickly climb which is why...

6 Signs You Need a Website Redesign

When people visit your website and their needs aren’t met, they’re going to leave right after arriving aka ‘bounce’. That’s why a website redesign can be crucial for keeping them on the website and increasing the conversions that matter to your business like a purchase, email signup, form submission, etc. Here are the six biggest signs it’s time to redesign your website. 1. Pages load slowly. People won’t stick around if your website takes too long to...

7 Tactics to Generate More Local Leads

Businesses that depend on local customers for revenue, like a restaurant, florist shop, or dentist office, need a lead generation strategy to drive high-quality, local leads. However, successful lead generation is something that local businesses often struggle to achieve. In 2016, Money Journal surveyed over 2,000 local business owners and found that their single greatest struggle was generating leads. Fortunately, there are tactics businesses can use with their website, digital marketing, and...

California Consumer Privacy Act: What Your Business Needs to Know

On January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA went into effect, giving California residents the right to learn what data companies collect about them and allowing them to ask companies to delete their data and not to sell it. Like the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation GDPR, it promotes data privacy. See what your business needs to know about the CCPA. 1. It covers many types of data. CCPA protects personal data like your name, username, password, phone number...

How to Generate Content Ideas that Will Attract and Engage Visitors

As you probably know by now if you’ve been an SMT blog or podcast subscriber, content marketing is beneficial for a variety of reasons like improving search engine optimization SEO, building an audience, and converting website visitors, but generating content ideas that will help you achieve those goals is a little more tricky. Whether you’re putting together your first content strategy or you want to ramp up your current efforts, we’ll show you several ways to generate...

8 Tactics to Boost Your Mobile Marketing in 2020

With 40 percent of online transactions happening on mobile and the rise of voice search, your digital marketing strategy must include mobile marketing to be competitive in today’s marketplace. By targeting prospective customers through their mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, you can connect with them at any stage in the buyer’s journey: awareness → consideration → decision. Check out these eight mobile marketing tactics to boost conversions and generate...

5 Tips to Optimize Content for Voice Search

Voice search, which allows users to use a voice command to search the internet, a website, or an app, is gaining in popularity and if you’re not optimizing your content for voice search, you could miss out on a lot of users. According to a report from and Voicify, 66.4 million people in the United States - 26.2% of the adult population - own a smart speaker e.g. Google Home, Alexa Echo, Apple Home Pod. Furthermore, Google has reported that 20% of searches are now by voice...

How to Increase Customer Loyalty Through Consistency

Although inbound digital marketing helps attract customers, what makes customers loyal to a business is exceptional customer service. Some businesses get so caught up in trying to acquire new customers that they lose focus on the customers they already have, which can end up costing them. According to Harvard Business Review, investing in new customers is between 5 and 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. So, what can a business do to make customers happy and stick around?...

3 Practices to Improve Google Ads Performance

Google Ads is a powerful platform for pay-per-click PPC advertising but its many capabilities can often be overlooked. After all, Google rolls out new targeting features on a regular basis which can be hard to keep track of. Whether you’re new to Google Ads or have been using it for years, here are three practices that can improve your campaigns’ performance and increase your return on investment ROI. 1. Combine Branded Keywords with Modified Broad Keywords Branded keywords are...

Pinterest Reveals Top Holiday Search Trends for 2019

As the leading social network for saving and discovery information through images, GIFs, and videos, Pinterest is a hot online destination for holiday inspiration. According to Pinterest’s 2019 holiday report, users started searching for holiday inspiration as early as June for things like decor, recipes, outfits, gift ideas, and more. Pinterest also reports that searches for "Christmas inspiration" are up 220% globally! See what’s trending on Pinterest this holiday season to see...