Tips & Trends

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Three Things Marketers can Learn from Media

A recent article in Mashable reviewed some tips and tricks of the trade that those in the media have learned this year that can easily be applied to marketing efforts as well. Here are three of the take-aways: Integration is the way of the future. In applications for a company’s marketing efforts, this means making sure that the marketing plan offers real time branding of your company’s message, and involves many different aspects of marketing – events, advertising, social...

New Communities on Google+

A recent addition to the Google+ platform is Communities. This latest feature integrates with other features such as Google+ Hangouts to allow you to gather members in either public or private communities to hold discussions. Google’s official blog touts the new Google+ Communities as a great opportunity for its users to reconnect with loved ones during the holiday season. Google+ aims to make these new communities as accessible for sharing as communities in real life are, allowing...

Growing Your Email List with Twitter

Email marketing, when done correctly, can be beneficial to your business. Whether it is a monthly newsletter that you send out on a regular basis, or the occasional coupon, unless you have many people opting in to the email list, it will not be very beneficial. One way you can grow your email list is by turning to social media. Some easy ways you can use Twitter to help grow you email marketing lists include: Linking Your Twitter Bio to an Opt-In Page Most Twitter users realize they should...

Are You Properly Using Pinterest for your Business?

We’ve told you before that Pinterest can be a great marketing tool for your company. But are you using it properly? There are a few ways that you can use Pinterest in order to attract customers to your site and make conversions. Think About Your Ideal Client Think about what kind of visual content would attract them - would it be a photo of a beautiful beach for a timeshare company, or an infographic about the current job market for a job placement company? The photo attached to your pin...

Panda Update 21 Released

It was expected - on November 5th, Google added its latest Panda Update to its search engine algorithms. This led to a slight shaking up of the Google results, as there was a worldwide impact on about 0.4% of inquiries, and 1.1% of those inquiries in the United States in the English language. As the 21st Panda Update, it fell into Google’s usual trend of releasing an update every four to six weeks. The 0.04% impact is lower than many other updates - the first Panda Update in February of...

Instagram Launches Web Profiles

We already know that Instagram was bought out months ago for a high price by the people at Facebook. Up until this week, Instagram remained a mobile-device based application. But now, Instagram is slowly rolling out web profiles to its users. These profiles look shockingly like the Timeline we are already familiar with on Facebook profiles. With a cover photo of rotating photos from the users Instagram feed, it is slightly different than the static cover photo offered on Facebook currently...

Yelp Cracks Down on Fake Reviews

At Sales & Marketing Technologies, we understand the importance of review websites, and making sure your company is portrayed properly. We already work with many different organizations on their reputation management. One of the biggest parts of reputation management is monitoring what users are saying about your products and services online at review sites, such as Recently, Yelp announced that it will be increasing its efforts in making sure that consumer reviews are all...

Online Social Media Security Tips

One of the biggest things people worry about is their online security. It can be scary – with the amount of personal information we are putting on the internet through social media sites, we often wonder who is able to access everything. Some people’s minds have been eased, as according to Mashable, Facebook recently announced that deleted photos will now also be removed from their servers previously, even after the photo had been deleted, they could be accessed by entering the...

The Cost of Cheap SEO & Social Media Labor

Like almost everything else in the world, you really get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and social media marketing. You might want to try to save money, scrimping and cutting corners as it can be costly to launch, maintain, and grow an internet presence for your business. But think of this internet presence much like the physical building your company is located in – you wouldn't hire a too-cheap or inexperienced contractor to build the building, or look for the cheapest materials...

How to Utilize Facebook Lists

Facebook lists aren’t new, but many people do not realize the many ways they can utilize them. Normally, if people utilize Facebook lists, they are using them to manage their privacy settings – making lists to decide who can see what items on your page. But now that Facebook has launched the subscribe feature, lists can be used for a variety of different social media marketing and social networking purposes to help separate out business, entertainment, and friends feeds from one...


Web Design (26)
Web Development (35)
Misc. Website (21)
Search Engine Optimization (95)
Social Media Marketing (111)
Local Search Marketing (24)
Content Marketing (35)
PPC Advertising (31)
Digital Marketing (123)
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