Tips & Trends

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Facebook Graph Search Updates

Facebook recently announced that it will be allowing users to search posts and status updates within its graph search. What does this mean for your search? Now, you will be able to ask questions like: • Posts I have commented on • My posts from the last year • Posts by my friends this month • Posts from my friends about [a television show, movie, event, etc.] And receive detailed results, including both posts and status updates from you and your friends. So how can you...

Hummingbird Update: What it means for your SEO

Last month, Google announced its largest upgrade to its search algorithm since 2001, which has been dubbed Hummingbird. As you might guess, many businesses were concerned about this update, wondering how it would affect their current SEO efforts, and what they would need to change in order to stay relevant in Google search results. What is Hummingbird? Google says that the Hummingbird update will not have an effect on current SEO efforts. Original, high quality content is still king, and...

How the Recent Crackdown on Fake Reviews Affects You

The New York Attorney General’s office is cracking down on fake reviews in an investigation nicknamed Operation Clean Turf. Nineteen companies have agreed to stop writing fake reviews, and are now also responsible for paying a total of $350,000 in fines, with each companies’ fine ranging from $2,500 to almost $100,000. To learn more about the specifics behind this case, visit the New York Attorney General’s website. How can you get real reviews for your business? There are...

Facebook Punishes Pages Without Engaging Content

Just last month, we posted about the Facebook algorithm used on newsfeeds, and how it affects the content that you see. Already, there are new changes to your newsfeed. Now, Facebook is punishing pages that constantly post memes instead of new and engaging content. This update aims to drive more traffic to reputable Pages and deter spammers, giving more visibility to content that is timely, relevant and sharable. Facebook has previously made similar algorithm changes, causing much...

Top SEO Mistakes

Recently, Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cuts, published a video discussing the top five SEO mistakes that people make. Some are simple and easy enough to fix, while others are more complicated. They include: 1. Not having a website, or having a website that is not crawlable by search engines. It seems easy enough to realize that, in order to rank in Google results, you need to have a website. But many people want to go with the glamor and creativity of a Flash website, or a website...

Other Google Updates to Be Aware Of

When everyone thinks of Google updates and how they will affect SEO efforts, they usually only think of the many different Panda and Penguin updates. But in 2009, another update was made to Google’s algorithms that can have a big effect on business: The Vince Update. Because of the Vince update, many big businesses seem to be taking over the front page of Google. This is because they have built a trusted brand - they are well know, through not only back links but also video, public...

Algorithm Updates on Facebook Newsfeed

Facebook is at it again - a recent update has been made to Facebook’s Newsfeed algorithm, making it more difficult for your business to reach its fan base. According to Facebook, the goal of users’ Newsfeeds is to deliver the right content at the right time, so that they see the stories that are the most important to them. Based on their research, there are upwards of 1,500 potential stories a person could see every time they log on Facebook - from people they are friends with...

Facebook Launches New Hashtags

You’ve seen people use hashtags on your Facebook newsfeed before, but did you know that they will now be functional? This week, Facebook introduced clickable hashtags to its site platform. These hashtags will function similarly to other social networks’ hashtags, including Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or Instagram. According to Facebook’s Newsroom, the introduction of clickable hashtags on Facebook will allow users to add context to a post or indicate that it is part of a...

Could Your Company Benefit from Video Marketing?

Have you considered implementing video marketing for your company? Putting together videos is a great way to show your audience what your company is really about. Here are some quick tips on how to put together great videos to help market your business: • Don’t be afraid – one of the biggest hurdles to creating video marketing is fear – fear your audience won’t like it, or fear that you won’t like how you come across on camera. But you won’t know until...

Improving Website Functionality

When building a website, many people do not take the time to stop and take a step back to check its functionality. However, website functionality can be a make or break feature when it comes to users interacting with your site. When considering how your website functions, you should look at it from the user’s perspective. Think about how your users interact with the site, in other words, how they navigate it, how they fill out forms, view pictures, and more. Navigation One of the...


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Web Development (35)
Misc. Website (21)
Search Engine Optimization (95)
Social Media Marketing (111)
Local Search Marketing (24)
Content Marketing (35)
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Digital Marketing (123)
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