Digital Marketing

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7 Direct Response Strategies That Will Increase Engagement and Sales

Direct response marketing is designed to evoke an immediate response and encourage potential customers to take a specific action, such as joining your email list, going to a landing page, submitting a form, or making a purchase. This type of marketing is highly trackable, uses compelling headlines and copy, targets a specific audience, makes a specific offer, and asks for a response. See how to generate more conversions by leveraging direct response strategies! Boost Conversions with Direct...

7 Things to Start (or Stop) Doing with Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging and nurturing your audience, which helps your marketing system get maximum results. With over 1.8 billion users worldwide on Gmail alone, email marketing isn't going anywhere. Learn our top seven strategies you should start doing, or avoid doing, to make email marketing work for your business. Email Tips to Improve Performance Build relationships and drive conversions by leveraging email to its full potential. By applying the...

Why Your Digital Marketing Strategy Needs a Refresh

You shouldn’t set and forget a digital marketing strategy — it requires refreshing from time to time in order to provide value for your business. What worked before in your strategy doesn’t mean it’ll keep working forever. That’s why updating your digital marketing is essential to remain competitive online. Since we’re halfway through the year, now is a great time to check in with your strategy to see what is and isn’t driving results. This is...

Digital Marketing Trends That Aren't Going Anywhere

Internet technology is constantly evolving which is why it’s crucial for businesses to keep an eye on digital marketing trends to gain a competitive edge. Digital marketing includes a wide range of strategies such as web design, search engine optimization SEO, pay-per-click PPC advertising, social media, and content. With so many strategies, it can be hard to know which trends are the most relevant for your business. We’ve compiled the top digital marketing trends your business...

Leverage Social Proof to Power Up Your Digital Marketing

Using social proof in digital marketing is effective for inspiring confidence in your business, product, or service. Not only does it boost your credibility online, but it can also convert apprehensive prospects into customers. According to a Bizrate Insights survey, 92% of potential shoppers read at least one review prior to making a purchase. See how you can leverage social proof to power up your digital marketing! What is Social Proof? Coined by psychologist and author Robert Cialdini...

Digital Marketing Tactics for the Holidays

Is your digital marketing ready for holiday shopping? Now is a perfect time to start implementing holiday digital marketing tactics that will help boost your sales. According to an October 2020 holiday consumer survey, Consumers plan to spend $998 on average on items such as gifts, food, decorations and other holiday-related purchases for themselves and their families. Source: National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics Don’t wait until the last minute to start...

Google Launches Free Tool to Create Short Promo Videos

On April 14, 2020, the Google Ads Blog announced the launch of a free beta tool for businesses to create short promo videos for YouTube. According to the announcement, Given the current environment, many businesses are shifting how they're communicating and interacting with their customers and are turning to videos to make and maintain connections. Learn more about the ‘Video Builder’ tool and how it’s helping businesses create short videos to effectively promote...

Why Your PPC and SEO Should Work Together

While pay-per-click PPC advertising is effective for driving website traffic, leaving out search engine optimization SEO can end up hurting your campaign’s performance and increasing ad costs. Paid and organic search have many differences, but a big thing they have in common is that they’re both a type of search engine marketing which means they can influence each other - for better or worse. Read on to see why PPC and SEO should work together to achieve better digital marketing...

8 Tactics to Boost Your Mobile Marketing in 2020

With 40 percent of online transactions happening on mobile and the rise of voice search, your digital marketing strategy must include mobile marketing to be competitive in today’s marketplace. By targeting prospective customers through their mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, you can connect with them at any stage in the buyer’s journey: awareness → consideration → decision. Check out these eight mobile marketing tactics to boost conversions and generate...

6 Tactics to Balance Data-Driven Marketing and User Privacy

The General Data Protection Regulation GDPR in Europe has raised concerns all over the globe about the changes happening in digital marketing and pay-per-click PPC advertising. While businesses understand the importance of obtaining consent before collecting and using people's data, they also worry about navigating new and evolving regulations since one misstep can hurt their business. All is not doom and gloom, however, there are ways businesses can balance data-driven marketing and user...

5 Essential Building Blocks for Online Marketing Success

Creating a marketing plan for your products and services is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Finding ways to boost your brand awareness, connect with customers, and reinforce current relationships should constantly be on your mind. But with so many ways out there to market your business online, it’s hard to narrow down the basics building blocks to a successful internet marketing campaign. The five essential building blocks for internet marketing success...

How to Build a Solid B2B Digital Marketing Strategy

Updated: June 3, 2019 One of the toughest challenges in building a successful B2B internet marketing strategy is figuring out where to start. This can be especially challenging for B2B companies, because the marketplace is mostly geared towards promoting B2C products and services. Building a solid B2B digital marketing strategy is vital to a company’s overall marketing plan. Over the years, we have uncovered some key areas to help B2B businesses improve their online presence, while...

3 Types of Promotions That Help Grow Your Business

There are an infinite number of ways to promote your products and services, which can make planning your promotions a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to pick the right type of promotion for your business. The key to running a good promotion for your business is to choose exactly what you want your audience to do, and then design your promotion to encourage that behavior. There are three key promotional categories: Acquisition Monetization Activation Learn more...

Google Plus is Going Away – But What Does That Mean?

It was announced towards the end of 2018 that Google would be shutting down their attempt at a social media network, Google Plus. Google Plus was a place where you could share status updates, photos, links, etc. – similarly to Facebook. Unfortunately for Google, it did not catch on as they’d hoped. Google Plus does not refer to your Gmail account, your Google Drive, YouTube, Google Analytics or any other Google service. It’s just referring to the social network. Everything...

5 Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Ideas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Is your business ready for holiday shopping? If not, it’s not too late to get in some last minute holiday promotions. A recent Gallup report shows that the average American will spend approximately $885 on holiday gifts in 2018, and 33 percent of Americans plan to spend at least $1,000 this holiday season. Meaning there is plenty of sales to be had during this time of year. Here are five holiday digital marketing tactics to use, even now:...

Google Reveals 3 Ways YouTube Habits (and Ads) Have Changed

Video continues to dominate when it comes to social media. In fact, more than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube alone each day. That’s not even factoring in all of the time spent watching videos on the other major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Recently, Google who owns YouTube released a statement about the three main ways they’ve seen video viewing habits evolve – and how they in turn have adjusted their advertising for...

10 Marketing Tactics for a Successful Black Friday

Updated: Oct. 1, 2018 Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday are the busiest shopping days of the year. And though they may seem far away, if you haven’t started planning your strategy for the holiday shopping weekend - now’s the time. The key to a successful holiday sales season is early planning and consistent marketing, especially as a small business competing against retail giants like Amazon, Walmart, and Target. Here are 10 marketing tactics to get your...

21 Easy Ways to Build Your Email List

Did you know that 98% of new traffic leaves your website without converting? They might be interested in your product or service but are just not in the buying stage yet. They could still be researching. However, you have zero chance of selling anything if you don’t have the ability to communicate with someone This is the #1 reason you should be capturing email addresses and building a list. No matter what types of marketing you’re interested in - from direct marketing to email...

Mobile Transactions Continue to Grow... Are You Prepared?

With over 40 percent of online transactions happening on mobile, it’s becoming clear that now more than ever, mobile is truly taking over. Even when the transactions don’t occur on a smartphone, it’s likely that the customer did some initial research using a mobile device. Whether they are searching for information, discovering new solutions for their problems, or reading reviews, customers are using mobile more and more in their customer journey. Even if you already have a...

Video Marketing: What Does the Future Hold?

It is predicted that in 2019, 80% of all internet traffic will come from videos. That might seem like a big leap, but video content is already proving it can grab and hold audiences’ attention as well as create meaningful engagement. In fact, one third of all time spent online is already accounted for by watching videos. With the number of people consuming videos growing, there is another correlation happening – videos are taking over search engine rankings. Forrester estimates...


Web Design (26)
Web Development (36)
Misc. Website (21)
Search Engine Optimization (97)
Social Media Marketing (111)
Local Search Marketing (24)
Content Marketing (37)
PPC Advertising (33)
Digital Marketing (125)
Marketing Automation (26)
Sales Automation (21)
Company News (10)
Other (27)



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